Tag Archives: sexism

Target ban on GTA V sets a dangerous precedent

Target’s ban on Grand Theft Auto V is just another example of political correctness gone insane. This week Target in Australia (Sharing many similarities, however not affiliated with Target of North America) pulled GTA V from it’s shelves because of an online petition.

Yes, you read that correctly. An online petition actually did something.

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The social justice cancer spreading through games media

In the past couple of years there has been a lot of talk of sexism in the gaming industry. In light of current events (The Zoe Quinn scandal), I’d like to write my thoughts on the matter. Rather than focus on the corruption of gaming journalism, I’d like to focus on another cancer spreading through the games media…

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The myth of girl gamers and other demographic studies

Anyone involved in serious discussion about gaming will often hear that “almost 50% of gamers are female”. Anyone actually involved in gaming will quite simply say “bullshit”. In this article I’m going to dismantle some demographic myths perpetuated over and over again. Next time someone gives you a misleading statistic, link them to this article and perhaps you’ll educate them.

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Deep Down – Supposed “sexism” in the gaming industry

TW: Logic. Facts.

So I read an article yesterday that really annoyed me about the supposed “sexism” in the gaming industry all because the upcoming Deep Down won’t have a playable female character in it. Let’s look into this a little further, since this story has been gaining a lot of attention…

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