Author Archives: Pyroteq

Practice makes perfect – How to become better, faster

When discussing competitive gaming there is always talk on how you can improve as a player. How can I improve my aim? How can I learn this champion? How do I counter X strategy?

As the saying goes: Practice makes perfect. You can read all the guides you want, watch all the best streamers, tournaments and YouTube guides you want, but at the end of the day practice is the best thing you can do.

Obvious, right? Wrong.

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The myth of girl gamers and other demographic studies

Anyone involved in serious discussion about gaming will often hear that “almost 50% of gamers are female”. Anyone actually involved in gaming will quite simply say “bullshit”. In this article I’m going to dismantle some demographic myths perpetuated over and over again. Next time someone gives you a misleading statistic, link them to this article and perhaps you’ll educate them.

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League of Legends – Coming Soon™

League of Legends is the most popular game in the world right now. “Coming Soon™” seems to be the motto for LoL’s developer Riot, as well as a sad but true community joke. As awesome as League of Legends is, it’s quickly becoming outclassed in nearly every aspect by numerous competitors that could eventually dethrone the king if things don’t change soon.

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Why annual game releases can hurt eSports

10 years ago annual game releases were unheard of. When you bought a game you expected to play it for the next 3 years or more before the next sequel was released. Sure, sometimes the games would get an expansion or two, for example, Command & Conquer and Diablo, but getting into a new game was like entering a long term relationship, not just a summer fling.

With game developers hastening the development process and publishers outsourcing their IP’s to multiple developers in order to get games out more frequently we’re starting to see a saturation of content, a saturation of games and worst of all, in my opinion, diminishing quality in the game series we’ve all come to love. First person shooters seem to be the worst offenders with Call of Duty being the obvious elephant in the room, but Battlefield and now Halo are on the horizon, racing to catch up.

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Why Halo 2 multiplayer wasn’t as good as you remember

If you’re reading this article you’ve probably re-read the title a couple of times carefully to make sure you read it correctly. You’re also probably lighting your torches and looking for your pitchfork. That wasn’t a mistake. Halo 2 wasn’t as good as you remember.

Here I am, about to criticise what is probably most peoples favourite Halo game. From YouTube videos I’ve watched, Twitter, Facebook and discussion forums I’m constantly hearing how people can’t wait for Halo Master Chief Collection and most of that excitement is in regards to being able to play Halo 2 again. Here’s the truth though: Halo 2 isn’t as amazing as it’s constantly made out to be and I’m going to explain why.

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Why higher Field of View is important in First Person Shooters

Field of View (FoV or Field of Vision) is the representation of what your playable character can see on your screen in a first person shooter.

In recent years field of view has been decreased in many games despite wider screens becoming the standard which has a negative impact on many games and can even cause motion sickness in some people.

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Halo 5 must be competitive by default

If 343 wants Halo 5 to be the next big eSports title they need to make Halo 5 competitive out of the box. According to Frank O’Connor on the Giant Bomb E3 panel, 343 aims to take Halo 5 back to its roots and make the game more competitive.

Simply having a game that can be competitive isn’t enough though. For a game to be a successful eSports title it must also have a large spectator following that may not be interested in competing. What this means is that the game should be competitive without needing to make adjustments to the movement speed, power up placement, starting weapons, etc.

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What Halo 5 multiplayer needs to succeed – Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of my series of articles on how 343 can make sure Halo 5 multiplayer is the kick ass game it should be! If you missed my last article go ahead and click here to check it out!

As a long time competitive Halo fan I’ve written these articles to highlight the best and worst multiplayer aspects of the previous Halo titles and what features 343 should include into Halo 5 to make Halo 5 multiplayer the best in the series!

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Halo Master Chief Collection

Halo Master Chief Collection – Halo 2 Anniversary

Halo 2 was released on November 9th, 2004. On November 11th 2014, celebrating 10 years of Halo 2, Halo Master Chief Collection will be released for the Xbox One. Halo Master Chief Collection will contain Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4, each boasting 1080p resolution, running at 60 frames per second and multiplayer in all its original form to relive the glory days.

Rumours have been circulating for months about Halo 2 Anniversary. For me and many other Halo fans, this is a dream come true. The rumours weren’t only true, they’re better than we could have imagined!

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What Halo 5 multiplayer needs to succeed – Part 1

This is my first in what is likely to be a long series of articles all about Halo 5 multiplayer. I will be going in depth into what made Halo multiplayer great, where it went wrong and what Halo 5 multiplayer needs to succeed in being the amazing game it has the potential to be.

I’ll be focusing primarily on competitive multiplayer aspects.

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